The Case For Kegels

It’s probably one of the most neglected muscle of our body yet it undergoes some major life changes as a woman ages. Yes, we are talking about your pelvic floor muscles. Imagine this. You moisturize, you wear SPF every day, you’ve probably bought different masks for a bunch of different skin conditions to last you a lifetime… so why not tack one more thing onto your laundry list of self-care? You’ve probably already heard of Kegel exercises, but in case you’re unclear about what they actually do: Kegels strengthen your PCs (the short term for “pubococcygeus”), muscles that contract when you have an orgasm.

There are good reasons why you want to strengthen your pelvic floor muscles that go beyond the bedroom. Besides enjoying better sexual function, pelvic floor muscles also help support your pelvic organs (uterus, rectum, intestines). When these muscles loosen up after surgery, childbirth or age, you are at risk of pelvic floor prolapse, that is when pelvic organs begin to droop or “fall out’ due to lack of support. This serious condition may require surgical intervention to correct it.



Many women may experience less severe but just as distressing consequences of weakened pelvic floor muscles such as leaking urine when they cough, sneeze or laugh. Some may experience a need for more frequent urination during physical activity which may interfere with their exercise routines. While less severe than a pelvic floor prolapse, this condition is more common than you imagine. Many women suffer in silence these symptoms of weakened pelvic floor especially after childbirth. These symptoms can last a lifetime or even worsen with time if nothing is done about it.

If you are spending time at the gym working your gluts and biceps, there is no reason why you shouldn’t devote some time to toning your pelvic floor muscles, helping them regain their strength and vitality that is lost with age. Here is how.

The Kegel HIIT

Pretty much exactly what it sounds like: A classic Kegel, done as fast as you can. This move requires quick bursts of muscle contractions work the fibers associated with arousal and urination control. Do it quickly and without relaxing in between to really break a sweat. Concentrate on doing reps of 10 to 20 followed by a short rest. Repeat.

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One-Two Punch

Squeeze that PC muscle as hard as you can, hold it for a beat or two, then relax fully. If it helps, combine the exercise with a deep breath in and a deep breath out while you concentrate on relaxing. Remember, a muscle is supposed to contract and relax. It is not valuable, and can be bad for you, to concentrate on just tightening. You don’t want a strong muscle, per se: You want a flexible one.

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Endurance Test

Whether you’re dealing with an issue like prolapse or simply preparing for what sounds like an intense night, lifting your pelvis, and holding for a long time is your best bet for building endurance. For a quality contraction, picture pulling up the strings of a hammock as you lift.


The Bridge

Different muscle groups work with the pelvic floor, so it’s a good idea to combine kegels with other muscle groups at the same time. By simply adding an isolated Kegel exercise to something like the bridge pose, you’re strengthening your pelvic floor and your glutes, which both play big roles during sex. Win-win.

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The Clamshell

Another way to combine muscle groups is to do an external rotator, or clamshell, type exercise, which strengthens your lower back and core. Complete your isolated Kegel exercises while lifting one knee up and rotating it outward, once again strengthening all different types of muscles that play a role during sex, giving your orgasm an extra oomph.

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The Kegel Hack

If you are short on time and motivation, or simply want to jumpstart your pelvic floor tone, try magnetic muscle sculpting. This is a therapy that can stimulate key muscle groups to contract and tone up by using safe magnetic waves. Older systems that use electric current are pretty outdated as they require skin contact and are more painful. With Magnetic muscle sculpting, you can target any muscle group such as your abs (six pack anyone) or in this case, your Kegels. One session will stimulate Kegel type contractions in the thousands which will accelerate your pelvic floor conditioning and toning.

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The Schedule

If you really want to see a difference, treat your Kegel exercises like any other fitness routine. The great thing about Kegel’s is that you can do it anytime any place with no special equipment at all. Try doing 30 reps, multiple times throughout the day. If you are building your pelvic floor muscles with Magnetic Muscle Sculpting and want to see rapid visible results, try undergo 15 minute sessions 3 times a week for the first 3 weeks, then maintaining it with home kegel exercises or with further magnetic muscle sculpting sessions once a week.

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